5kg Medicine Ball for Sale 10% Off

Original price was: ₦15,500.00.Current price is: ₦14,000.00.

Medicine Ball is the perfect tool for functional training and strength building. The 5KG Medicine Ball is one of the largest balls available and portable, allowing you to take your training with you! You don’t have to be a pro athlete to love working out! Get your sweat on with our 5kg medicine ball.

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Transform your fitness with the power of a 5kg Medicine Ball. Hold it in your hand and do Medicine Ball Sit-Ups. Super Strength Medicine Ball helps you to. We don’t weigh ourselves down with what we cannot carry. We lift ourselves up with what we can carry. If you’re looking for a tool that will help you get stronger and healthier, the 5kg Medicine Ball is perfect for you. It’s made of durable materials and features a professional tone of voice that will help you stay motivated.

You’ve got the power to transform your fitness. Choose a 5Kg Medicine Ball from us and build your strength. Get a good lift with 5kg Medicine Ball. Hold it in your hand and do Medicine Ball Sit-Ups. Super-Strength Medicine Ball helps you to. We don’t weigh ourselves down with what we cannot carry. We lift ourselves up with what we can carry. #nevergiveup #keepgoing.

With a 5kg Medicine Ball, you’ll have the power to transform your fitness. Medicine Balls are versatile and can be used for a variety of exercises, like Medicine Ball Sit-Ups, to build your strength.

Benefits of the Medicine Ball

  • A medicine ball is frequently used to develop core strength, which entails developing your back and abdominal muscles. Optimal alignment, this aids in balance, posture, and general wellness.
  • Studies have demonstrated that medicine ball training can improve throwing and swinging performance better than traditional muscle training. Additionally, since it increases the amount of power produced for exercises like the bench press and shoulder presses, it is helpful for more than just weekend athletes.
  • Your upper body and lower body muscles are the focus of medicine ball slams. They strengthen your upper back, core muscles, triceps, glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings when done correctly.
  • Slamming a medicine ball is a good cardio exercise.
How To Do Exercises with Medicine Ball The Proper Way

Start with 2-4 sets of 6–10 repetitions for medicine ball slams. Your ability to keep up a solid technique throughout all sets and repetitions will determine your sets, repetitions, and medicine ball weight.

1. Raise a medicine ball to your chest. Stand with your knees slightly bent and your feet hip-width apart. Your head and neck should be in a neutral position, and your shoulders should be directly above your hips. As though holding an egg beneath your chin, your chin should stay tucked throughout the exercise.
2. Your pelvis should be somewhat tucked in and your ribs should be down. Activate your center.
3. To achieve a sturdy position, distribute your weight evenly and grab the ground with your feet. This starting position should be used for all repetitions.
4. As you bring yourself up onto your toes, raise the medicine ball above your head.

5. Slam the ball down to the ground with force while keeping a tight core, bending your knees and hips as you do so.
6. As you slam the medicine ball, lower yourself until your legs are in a quarter squat position. Your feet should be bearing weight equally. After smashing the medicine ball, allow your arms to go behind your body as if you were about to jump.
7. After the medicine ball bounces, grab it or reach down to the ground to grab it.


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